Title: The Anatomy of Trust
Location: Training Conference Room
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 30
Trainer: Laura Foye
Description: With all the changes coming in 2018, and the possibility that some people feel a bit anxious about them, this training is an excellent tool for getting everyone on the same page about how our daily choices and behaviors - the little things - build up or tear down trust in all our relationships. Recommended for supervisors and managers who may want to utilize the training within their branches/departments/divisions; as well as any staff wanting to examine and improve trust in any of their relationships.
Title: Become a Search Ninja
Location: Petritz Learning Lab
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 50
Trainer: Jenny Pierce & Michelle Pfost
Description: Learn some new searching tips and tricks for the online catalog and Workflows.
Title: Confidence Counts: Increase Your Confidence Quotient
Location: The Venue
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 150
Trainer: Christine Kreger, Colorado State Library
* Do you hesitate to try new things, take risks, or challenge yourself?
* Do you hold yourself back because you feel like you aren't good enough, or that you don't have enough skills or experience?
* Do you sometimes feel like a fraud or that you're just faking it?
Join us for a lively discussion as we explore the complexities of confidence and its impact on the library profession. Together, we will examine common barriers to confidence, and consider specific strategies to boost confidence in ourselves and in our peers.
Title: Finance, At Your Service
Location: Business Services
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 30
Trainer: The Finance Team
Description: Who we are, what we do; PPLD Travel; Discussion of Select Procedures and Forms; and Panel Q&A as time allows.
Title: From Patron to Partner: Exploring Ways to Engage your Community
Location: Alcove (seating on large steps)
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 48
Trainer: Carol Scheer & Heidi Buljung
Description: Patrons entering your branch may be familiar with traditional library services. However, libraries have changed and services vary according to patron needs. Do patrons linger throughout the day? Do they struggle with library policies and procedures? Learn techniques and discover ideas for engaging your patrons, creating ownership, and making your library the heart of your community.
Participants will:
Find creative ways to develop community knowledge
Learn ideas for active and passive program implementation
Discover how to engage lingering patrons
Title: Inventor’s Circuits and Arduino
Location: Make II
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 10
Trainer: Sarah Nagle
Description: Learn the basics of circuits and Arduino and get hands-on experience with one of PPLD’s Maker Programming Kits. We will make a simple circuit with Inventor’s Kits and program it using Arduino.
Title: Light Up an Old Book with Paper Circuits
Location: Make
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 14
Trainer: Becca Cruz
Description: We wind up with a lot of old picture books that have been well loved, but look sad. Learn how to use paper circuits to brighten up those discarded books with some tape, LEDs, and a battery.
Below you can see a photograph of the PPLDcon participant's creations!
Title: Overdrive
Location: CreateSpace
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 25
Trainer: Hannah Schrank
Description: This training session will cover strategies and resources we can use to troubleshoot issues with Overdrive.
Title: Putting Your Best Foot Forward
Location: Training Conference Room
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 30
Trainer: Angela Ibrahim & Heather Laslie
Title: Seek and Find Answers to Your Patron’s Questions
Location: Petritz Learning Lab
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 32
Trainer: Tammy Sayles, Deb Hamilton & Melanie Wehrle
Description: PPLD has a wonderful range of databases that can be used for a variety of topics. Often we don’t’ have time in our daily job practices to explore and discover the amazing amount of information contained in these resources. This class will familiarize staff with popular resources with active learning. Participants will learn when to use print reference, Google, or one of our database to answer reference questions. They will then actively search reference questions to determine the best resource, and will leave with a handy database tip sheet they can take back to their branches. We will need the use of the computer lab in order to allow staff the opportunity to do the hands on activity.
Title: Why We Need Toys in the Library: Welcoming and Supporting our Youngest Learners
Location: Children’s Story Room
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 30
Trainer: SarahEllen Hickle & Jordan Newby
Description: This presentation is recommended for ALL Library staff – especially those who don’t currently work in Children’s Services. Only 25% of a person’s brain is wired at birth, but by age 3, 90% of the brain has finished its wiring -- that means that our brains’ wiring grows by a whopping 65% over just three short years! The impact that libraries can have on our smallest library patrons is enormous. Come learn more about the needs of young children and their families, how to encourage the kinds of play that will best foster learning and development, and how to connect parents to some great resources.
Title: Reader’s Advisory for Teens
Location: Lower Gallery
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 32
Trainer: Britt Bloom & Meagan Huber
Description: We'll cover a few things: 1. PPLD Reader's Advisory (RA) resources for teens (booklists, bookmarks, Novelist, etc.) - how to find and use them 2. Outside resources available for RA for teens (YALSA lists, blogs, Goodreads, etc.) - how to find and use them 3. Differences between teen RA and adult RA. We will finish up with a role-playing exercise that will allow participants to practice their new teen RA skills!
Title: What is Adult Education at PPLD?
Location: Children’s Story Room
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 50
Trainer: Adult Education staff: Lacey Miller, Steve Andreorio, Carole Craven, Michael Bittner, Kyle Beargeon, Rukhsana Sher, and Teona Shainidze Krebs
Description: Adult Education services have evolved since 2010. AE now provides High School Equivalency classes, English as a Second Language classes, Career Online High School, English conversation groups, Path to Citizenship groups, and one-on-one tutoring opportunities. This session will provide an overview of AE's current services, and its impact and expansion to empower you to speak with patrons about the services available to them.
Title: Beanstack 101
Location: Alcove (seating on large steps)
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 50
Trainer: Christa Funke & Becca Philipsen
Description: An overview and demonstration of Beanstack answering the following questions: What is Beanstack, how does it work, why are we using it, and what are our future plans for use?
Title: Confidence Counts: Increase Your Confidence Quotient
Location: The Venue
Start Time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Capacity: 150
Trainer: Christine Kreger, Colorado State Library
* Do you hesitate to try new things, take risks, or challenge yourself?
* Do you hold yourself back because you feel like you aren't good enough, or that you don't have enough skills or experience?
* Do you sometimes feel like a fraud or that you're just faking it?
Join us for a lively discussion as we explore the complexities of confidence and its impact on the library profession. Together, we will examine common barriers to confidence, and consider specific strategies to boost confidence in ourselves and in our peers.
Title: Information as Power
Location: Lower Gallery
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 48
Trainer: Jean Carrier
Description: An important role of libraries is connecting people with information. Possessing and employing information holds a tremendous amount of power. Given this libraries wield a tremendous amount of power. Even though the concept of power may often be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, we will be discussing how we can harness it to empower our patrons. Understanding the role of information and its power potential can be important keys to providing exceptional service to our library users.
Title: Introduction to Library Services
Location: Business Services
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 50
Trainer: Library Services Division Heads: Teona Shainidze Krebs, Tim Blevins, Nancy Maday, Amy Rodda, Becca Cruz, Joanna Rendon, Greg Roes
Description: Library Services would like to share what we have accomplished in transiting to the new structure. Also, what we hope to accomplish by the end of 2018, and what may need to wait longer.
Title: Laser Cut Luminaries
Location: Make II
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 10
Trainer: Jason Kowell & Melissa Schloesser
Do you love lasers, lights, and your library? Then come make a luminary with the laser, that shows your love!
Title: Learn to Sew: Make a Bear!
Location: Make
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 10
Trainer: Amber Cox
Description: Thinking about offering a sewing program at your library branch, but not sure how to go about it? Join me for this quick sewing session to learn the elements of creating a stuffed bear. Discover library and online resources, and learn about the district’s sewing kit!
Title: Overdrive
Location: CreateSpace
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 25
Trainer: Heather Johnson
Description: This training session will cover strategies and resources we can use to troubleshoot issues with Overdrive.
Title: Putting Your Best Foot Forward
Location: Training Conference Room
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 30
Trainer: Angela Ibrahim & Heather Laslie
Title: Seek and Find Answers to Your Patron’s Questions
Location: Petritz Learning Lab
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 32
Trainer: Tammy Sayles, Deb Hamilton & Melanie Wehrle
Description: PPLD has a wonderful range of databases that can be used for a variety of topics. Often we don’t’ have time in our daily job practices to explore and discover the amazing amount of information contained in these resources. This class will familiarize staff with popular resources with active learning. Participants will learn when to use print reference, Google, or one of our database to answer reference questions. They will then actively search reference questions to determine the best resource, and will leave with a handy database tip sheet they can take back to their branches. We will need the use of the computer lab in order to allow staff the opportunity to do the hands on activity.
Title: Why We Need Toys in the Library: Welcoming and Supporting our Youngest Learners
Location: Children’s Story Room
Start Time: 1:15
End Time: 2:00
Capacity: 30
Trainer: SarahEllen Hickle & Jordan Newby
Description: This presentation is recommended for ALL Library staff – especially those who don’t currently work in Children’s Services. Only 25% of a person’s brain is wired at birth, but by age 3, 90% of the brain has finished its wiring -- that means that our brains’ wiring grows by a whopping 65% over just three short years! The impact that libraries can have on our smallest library patrons is enormous. Come learn more about the needs of young children and their families, how to encourage the kinds of play that will best foster learning and development, and how to connect parents to some great resources.
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