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Makerspace Staff Guide

What to know when you staff a makerspace desk

Check-in / Check-out

When patrons come in to use the makerspace, do the following:

  • Check whether they have an existing reservation in Assabet Interactive (AI).
  • If they do, pull it up and verify that the library card used for the reservation matches the patron's card. If they don't, check that the equipment they want to use is available and create the reservation for them in AI.
  • Pull up the patron in Workflows 
    • If the patron has a current waiver and the relevant badge(s) in Workflows, proceed to the next step. Click here for more information on waivers.
    • If the patron is an adult and does not have a waiver but made the reservation in AI themselves, verify their identity with a valid photo ID, and and add the waiver to their Workflows account. If they are an adult but did not make a reservation in AI, show them the waiver, get their verbal consent,  verify their identity with a valid photo ID and library card, and add the waiver to their Workflows account.
    • If the patron is a minor and does not have a waiver, get their parent or guardian to fill out the minor agreement. Verify the parent/guardian identity with a valid photo ID. The signed minor agreement must be on file before they can use the space. If they are under the age of 12, their parent or guardian must also be with them in the space at all times.
    • If the patron does not have the badge for the machine they want to use, ask if they have taken the online badging class. If they have, pull up the quiz results spreadsheet, locate the patron's card to verify that they passed, and add the badge to their account. Otherwise, have them take the online badging class and pass the quiz before using the machine. Add the badge to their account when they have done so.
      • Note: the CNC only has in-person badging available. Direct patrons to an in-person class instead.
      • Note: Makerspaces used to use an Access database to track waivers and badges. This database is no longer used, but some patrons may have badges listed there that were not transferred to Workflows. If a patron states that they are badged, and they are not in the quiz response spreadsheet(s), it may be that they were badged before the current system. You can ask when/how they were badged and take their word for it, or, if available look them up in the Access Database. Add badge to Workflows.

When the patrons leave the makerspace, do the following:

  • Make sure they have cleaned up the station.
  • Return the equipment in AI.
  • If necessary, charge their account for any consumables they have used beyond the free amount (eg 3d printing over 20g, more than 10 buttons, etc.).