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Makerspace Staff Guide

What to know when you staff a makerspace desk

Creative Space Waivers in the Makerspaces


All patrons must have a Creative Space waiver to use the makerspaces, and all waivers are tracked in WorkFlows. 

Each time a patron uses the makerspace, confirm they have a valid waiver marked in WorkFlows.


Waiver Overview

There are two types of Creative Space Waivers: Adult Waivers and Minor Waivers.



Expires After Collected Tracked / Stored


Adult Waivers


1 year

When a patron makes their own reservation using Assabet Interactive (AI).


Verbally to staff after the patron reviews the waiver (printed copy or virtual).

Tracked in Extended Info section of WorkFlows.


Stored in AI via the patron's reservation. This is why it is important to cancel, not delete, reservations.


Minor Waivers (ages 9 - 17)


5 years or when the patron turns 18 

By a parent or legal guardian filling out a paper copy of the Creative Space Minor Waiver.


The parent or guardian who signs the waiver must be present to turn it in to staff, and staff must verify that their ID matches the information on the waiver.

Tracked in Extended Info section of WorkFlows.


Paper copy needs to be stored in a secure location in each space until it can be sent to LI for filing.



Procedures for Tracking Waivers in WorkFlows


Adult waivers:

  • Whether the waiver was collected virtually or verbally, it must be logged in Workflows. Add a line to the patron’s Extended Info in WorkFlows, select CSWaiver as the category, and in the blank field enter the waiver type (Adult), expiration date, and your initials / location, as shown in the image below.
    • If a patron's waiver has simply expired, you can edit the expired waiver with the new expiration date and change the initials/location. 


Minor waivers:

  • If they don't have a waiver or if their waiver is expired, follow these steps:
    • Have the parent or legal guardian fill out and sign the minor waiver.
    • Check the ID of the parent or legal guardian to verify their identity.
    • Add a line to the patron’s Extended Info in WorkFlows, select CSWaiver as the category, and in the blank field enter the waiver type (Minor), expiration date, your initials / location, and emergency contact information as shown in the image below.
    • Store the paper agreement in a secure location at your makerspace until it can be sent to LI for filing. Ask another staff member/your supervisor if you are uncertain of where this location is.


Adults with Legal Guardians Accessing the Creative Spaces


Keep Our Patrons' Information Secure!

The Creative Space Minor Waivers/Agreements include personal information for our patrons. These forms should never be left out on the desk, and should be recorded in Workflows and moved to the locked location as soon as possible after receiving them. If you are unsure of where these waivers are kept in your space, ask your colleagues and/or supervisor. 

While these forms do not contain personally identifiable information (PII), which is protected under Colorado law, we strive to treat them in that way to protect patron privacy at every step of the process. Thank you for your assistance and diligence with this!

If you would like to learn more about Colorado's Consumer Data Protection Laws and PII, check out the web link below!