City of Colorado Springs - General Municipal Election
Tues., Apr. 1, 2025
In Person: The El Paso County Clerk and Recorder’s Office has four locations with Election clerks available at all locations. Eligible voters who provide proof of citizenship will be automatically registered to vote any time they apply for or renew their driver’s license. In person registration can also be done at authorized voter registration drives. In addition, same day voter registration is available at polling locations.
By Mail: Voters in Colorado can mail, fax or scan and email completed registration applications to their county clerk's office. (Formulario de Registración de Votante de Colorado)
Mail: Elections Department
PO Box 2007
Colorado Springs, CO 80901
Fax: (719) 520-7327
Online: Voters in Colorado may complete their registration application online if they have a Colorado State driver's license or ID card issued by the Department of Revenue.
Need to verify your registration, update your address, or change your party affiliation? Go Vote Colorado portal at the Secretary of State website to manage existing registration voter information.
A person may be eligible to vote in Colorado if they are
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