Are you working on a research project? This guide offers an overview of some of PPLD's research resources. The resources are best suited for an argumentative research paper, but can be applied to other research projects as well. Use the blue boxes on the left side of the page to navigate the guide and find information and best practices for using the PPLD's resources for your research.
Are you working on a research project or other homework assignment? PPLD has you covered! is a great resource for all your research needs. Click through these slides to find an overview of the resources. You can also find quick research tutorials on the Choosing a Topic, Gathering & Evaluating Sources, and Citation Tools pages.
This is the PPLD Teens Homepage. In addition to educational resources, this page features event information, contests, volunteers opportunities, and much more. For homework and research help, click the Homework link at the top of the page.
After clicking the Homework link, you will be taken to the Homework Help landing page. You can contact PPLD Young Adult Services using the Email button, and find tutoring and writing help at the bottom of the page. HelpNow by Brainfuse is a database that offers live tutoring Sunday - Friday from 2-11pm, as well as, a writing lab where you can upload your paper and get feedback from experts. Click to the next slide to find more information about the homework resources in blue.
Use the blue boxes on the upper left side of the page to navigate the Homework Help Guide.
What Are Subject Guides?
The Debate Issues & Paper Topics guide - the page you are currently viewing - is the best resource for all your research paper needs. It includes information on choosing a topic for your paper, formulating a thesis, and citing sources. It also includes tutorials for how to use the Opposing Viewpoints in Context Database.
Use the blue boxes on the left side of the page to navigate the Debate Issues & Paper Topics subject guide.
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