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Green Living

A guide to print resources, databases, and online sources that will help you discover more about Green Living.

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Pikes Peak Library District
(719) 531-6333 option 3


Green living is about finding creative, compassionate, economical, and sustainable ways you can achieve in your everyday life. Help us give future generations a brighter welcome into this world. 

  PPLD Green Team Facebook Page 
  The PPLD Green Team promotes sustainability and builds awareness of
  responsible environmental stewardship in and beyond the Pikes Peak Library
  District. We highlight local events, organizations and resources enabling the
  community to live a greener, more sustainable life.

  PPLD Green Team Blog 
  Mostly in the Spring months, we highlight local events, organizations and
  resources in line with our mission: to SEEK sustainable practices, ENGAGE in
  earth-wise living, and TRANSFORM the world that it might be an even better
  place for our children and generations to come!

(Photo: produce from the PPLD Green Team Garden on Pikes Peak Ave next to the Penrose Library; all produce donated to the Marian House)


   Click on the links below to easily search for books in the
   PPLD Catalog related to the Green Topics listed below.

   At the very bottom is a link to one of our databases.