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Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

This guide offers databases and websites for Encyclopedias and Dictionaries.

Welcome to PPLD's Encyclopedias and Dictionaries Guide!


This guide is intended as a starting place for finding various encyclopedias and dictionaries online and in print within our collection at Pikes Peak Library District. Use the tabs on the left to locate frequently recommended resources. 


Pikes Peak Library District A-Z Database List

Key terms and phrases

  • What is an Encyclopedia? This type of resource provides information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject. The subjects are typically arranged alphabetically. Encyclopedias are useful as a quick reference while researching a topic or subject.
  • What is a Dictionary? This type of resource lists words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent word(s) in a different language. They also provide information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.
  • What is a Reference Book? This is a book that cannot be checked out from the library. However, these books are intended to be referred to while researching a specific topic or subject. They are typically authoritative and scholarly, making them great resources for students. Several of our Encyclopedias and Dictionaries are shelved in our Reference Section at the Library.

What are Subject Guides?

  • Subject Guides are mini-websites that offer resources and library services on a specific topic or subject. 
  • Click on one of the blue tabs to the left of this page to navigate through the guide and access resources.
  • All pages are printable (see option at the bottom of this page).
  • Subject Guides are accessible at the library, or from anywhere in the world with wifi, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • You can search for information or resources in the search box at the top right of the page.