This guide is intended as a starting point for teens who are uncertain about their future after high school. Use the blue boxes on the left to navigate to information on college alternatives, including: service and volunteer opportunities, military service, and trade and technical school information. The "Job Search Help" page includes resources on searching for jobs, the application process, and best practices for becoming a successful applicant.
Getting hyped for high school -- The first steps to a career -- Planning your education while in high school -- Other options after high school -- Considering the military option -- The college search -- Applying to college -- College entrance exams -- Financing your college plans -- Academic expectations in college -- Preparing for college and adult life -- You and the workplace.
This comprehensive handbook outlines the different options available to teens after high school and provides suggestions on how to follow each path efficiently and successfully.
With fresh updates on the specific challenges of today's job-market, this new edition features activities and advice on information interviewing, social media, internships, and more. Most importantly, it's packed with big-picture advice that will set you up to land the job that's perfect for who you are--and who you want to
Military spouse education is an often overlooked topic. With the proliferation of service member programs and benefits, and the spotlight on them, it is not uncommon for spouses to neglect looking into their own educational opportunities and benefits. The hectic life of a military family also often complicates the process of attending an institution of higher education, for spouses
Getting hyped for high school -- The first steps to a career -- Planning your education while in high school -- Other options after high school -- Considering the military option -- The college search -- Applying to college -- College entrance exams -- Financing your college plans -- Academic expectations in college -- Preparing for college and adult life -- You and the workplace.
This comprehensive handbook outlines the different options available to teens after high school and provides suggestions on how to follow each path efficiently and successfully.
With fresh updates on the specific challenges of today's job-market, this new edition features activities and advice on information interviewing, social media, internships, and more. Most importantly, it's packed with big-picture advice that will set you up to land the job that's perfect for who you are--and who you want to
Military spouse education is an often overlooked topic. With the proliferation of service member programs and benefits, and the spotlight on them, it is not uncommon for spouses to neglect looking into their own educational opportunities and benefits. The hectic life of a military family also often complicates the process of attending an institution of higher education, for spouses
Getting hyped for high school -- The first steps to a career -- Planning your education while in high school -- Other options after high school -- Considering the military option -- The college search -- Applying to college -- College entrance exams -- Financing your college plans -- Academic expectations in college -- Preparing for college and adult life -- You and the workplace.
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