Project Angel HeartProject Angel Heart prepares and delivers medically tailored meals to people living with severe illnesses. Many are too sick to get to the grocery store, unable to cook for themselves, or they have to choose whether to buy food or medication to make ends meet. Our meal recipients report better health, less stress, and more energy.
Volunteers could participate in the following ways.
Distribution Assistant: This role helps with sorting and organizing client meal bags in preparation for deliveries. Accuracy is important and this does involve a lot of moving/lifting. This is available to ages 13+ with a parent/guardian and 16+ without an adult. Scheduling is flexible and most volunteers commit to 1 to 2 weekends per month.
Meal Delivery Driver: Our delivery area covers a significant portion of Colorado Springs and the routes are created in an efficient manner so that deliveries occur in close proximities. The meals are medically tailored for each client, so we stress the importance of getting the right meals to the right individual.
Bag Decorating: Decorating bags is definitely a simple, yet impactful opportunity to give back to the community. It’s an ideal opportunity for all ages and abilities! Project Angel Heart supplies the bags and can accommodate any number needed. Once decorated, the bags are used to deliver our meals to food recipients.
Minimum age varies, see project descriptions above.
For more information contact:
Colorado Springs and Pueblo Volunteer Resources Team,