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Video Production

A guide with tips and trips on how to produce a video, from the pre-production process to the editing phase.

Camera Terms and Techniques

If there's one thing you need to make a live-action video happen, it's a camera. To learn more about cameras and techniques that can be used by them, scroll down.

Camera Shots

Ever wondered about all the different types of camera shots and movements? Here's your chance to learn more - just click the link below.

Cinematography Guidelines

In film making, the 180-degree rule is a basic guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another character or object within a scene.  Below is an excellent video describing this rule.

The 30-degree rule is a basic film editing guideline that states the camera should move at least 30 degrees between shots of the same subject occurring in succession. Below is a video explaining this rule.

Depth of field is the distance between the foreground and background of the subject that appears to be in total focus. There are two different depth of field types – shallow and wide. Shallow depth of field involves one point of focus with the foreground and / or background blurred. Conversely, wide depth of field puts nearly everything in focus. Below is a quick video illustrating some depth of field techniques.

Framing and Composition

Do you want to make sure your video looks as good as possible? Then you'll want to spend some time learning about framing and composition. Watch the video below to get some good tips and tricks.

Frame Rate

Frame rate is the frequency at which frames in a television picture, film, or video sequence are displayed. Higher frame rates make fast action scenes look smoother. Click the links below to learn more.

White Balance

White balance is a function that gives the camera a reference to "true white" - it tells the camera what the color white looks like so the camera will record it correctly.