Inside/Out Youth Services is a safe space for young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Questioning, and Queer (LGBTIQ) people ages 13-22. They offer drop in hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays where youth can hang out and stay for discussion groups and activities, including: health and wellness, dating violence prevention, community resilience and suicide prevention, and self-advocacy skills. They also offer weekly support groups, recreation nights, food pantry and clothing closet, and social activities to help LGBTIQ feel empowered to express who they are in a safe place.
Inside/Out believes in a positive youth development approach, which means they provide a network of amazing LGBTIQ adults and allies to support youth with what they need.
In 2018 Inside/Out Youth Services offered:
- 1,687 contact hours in 38 unique programs.
- Trained 699 adults in 37 trainings to be allies to LGBTQ Youth.
- 2,728 community center programs with 214 LGBTIQ youth in attendance.
Click here to find more information about Inside/Out Youth Services and it's community impact.