The teen years--relationships, peer pressure, school, dating, character. To help teenagers grow into healthy adults, parents and youth workers need to teach them how to take responsibility for their behavior, their values, and their lives. The coauthor of the Gold Medallion Award-winning book Boundaries and the father of two teenage boys brings his biblically based principles to bear on the challenging task of the teen years, showing parents:How to bring control to an out-of-control family lifeHow to set limits and still be loving parentsHow to define legitimate boundaries for the familyHow to instill in teens a godly characterIn this exciting new book, Dr. Townsend gives important keys for establishing healthy boundaries--the bedrock of good relationships, maturity, safety, and growth for teens and the adults in their lives. The book offers help in raising your teens to take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions.
The Right to Be Out begins with a cogent history and analysis of the dramatic legal developments concerning the rights of LGBT persons since 1968. Stuart Biegel then turns to what K-12 schools should do-and in many cases have already done-to implement right-to-be-out policies. He examines recent legal and public policy changes that affect LGBT students and educators in the K-12 public school system.
Parents need help to teach their teens how to make decisions responsibly--and do so without going crazy or damaging the relationship. Parenting Teens with Love and Logic, from the duo who wrote Parenting with Love and Logic, empowers parents with the skills necessary to set limits, teach important skills, and encourage decision-making in their teenagers.Covering a wide range of real-life issues teens face--including divorce, ADD, addiction, and sex--this book gives you the tools to help your teens find their identity and grow in maturity. Indexed for easy reference.
Dr. Diane Ehrensaft has worked with gender non-conforming children for over 30 years. In Gender Born, Gender Made, she offers parents, clinicians, and educators guidance on both the philosophical dilemmas and the practical, daily concerns of working with children who don't fit a "typical" gender mold. She debunks outmoded approaches to gender nonconformity that may actually do children harm. And she offers a new framework for helping each child become his or her own unique, most gender-authentic person.
If your child is questioning their gender identity, you may have questions of your own. The Conscious Parent's Guide to Gender Identity helps answer those questions, providing a relationship-oriented approach to supporting your child's journey. Conscious parenting means being present with your children and taking the time to understand their point of view. Using this mindful method, you can support and guide your children as they discover their authentic selves.
A news flash to parents: if their relationships with their teens aren't what they want, they can change it. The five "slow" attitudes in this book will help parents face their own fears and create a positive, respectful, and fun parenting relationship with teenagers.
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