D2 Thrive Home School Academy"Thrive Home School Academy is a one-day per week enrichment program that is FREE for home schooling families in the Pikes Peak region.* Children in grades K-12 attend classes with other home-schooled students one day per week. Classes include Art, Technology, Music, Science, Language Arts, and History, and include recesses and lunch.
If your student wants to participate in more than the one day of classes every week, Thrive HSA partners with the Colorado Springs Conservatory (CSC) and the Millibo Art Theatre to provide a variety of arts programming free of charge for our families. The following after-school clubs are offered throughout the school year: Fencing, Martial Arts, Art, Yearbook, and archery. We also have a robust music program for students of all levels: band, orchestra and choir are offered. A variety of field trips may be scheduled, including visits to Chico Basin Ranch, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Academy of Children's Theater Plays and many more.
We are excited to offer parents and students access to curriculum ordering and lending library as well as an extensive student library."
2400 Slater Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
(719) 579-2160