One of GarageBand's strongest features is the quality and diversity if the virtual instrument library. These virtual or software-based instruments can read MIDI regions to create high fidelity audio. Selecting an instrument from the library browser creates a software instrument track where MIDI information can be input and manipulated.
Opening the Editor displays a larger view of the selected audio or MIDI region. This is useful for identifying parts of a region the user may wish to edit. Pictured above is an audio region displayed in the arranger window. Below is an audio region displayed in the editor window. The editing procedure is similar in both views.
GarageBand does not have a mixer window; all mixing controls are located in the track list. The elements of this section are pictured and described below.
Different types of tracks will yield different options and effects that the user may adjust when Smart Controls is opened. Pictured above, a Software Instrument Piano track has been created, and the Smart Controls window offers two tabs with adjustable features. The first has dials to change the tone of the piano on the left as well as modulation controls for echo, tremolo and more on the right.
The second is the EQ tab, which will offer a graphic equalization display allowing the user to boost or cut the bass/treble content of the piano track at specific frequencies.
In lieu of an external instrument or MIDI controller, GarageBand's Musical Typing Keyboard converts any iMac keyboard into a musical instrument. To open this feature, select Musical Typing from the Window menu, or use the keyboard shortcut ( Command + K ). This feature requires a software instrument to be created and selected from the track list section.
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