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Video Production

A guide with tips and trips on how to produce a video, from the pre-production process to the editing phase.

Writing a Script

Every story holds a message that the viewer is eagerly trying to interpret. Even if the desired message is that there is no message, humans innately want to build meaning from the presented visuals. Watch the video titled "The Non-Narrative Narrative" below.  

While watching the video, did you find yourself trying to build a story or find meaning around these basic objects? Did you mentally add a personality to each moving form? As stated above, viewers want to find meaning in a story and it is your job as a storyteller to guide them through with visual and audible cues to the narrative's desired interpretation. Once you have a clear idea of the main message you are trying to convey to your audience, it is time to develop these thoughts into a readable script. Script writing can be a tedious and painful job, but it is necessary for the success of your production. Prepare to rewrite, rewrite and rewrite; it is extremely rare to have developed the finished product upon first draft. Most importantly, remember whatever your message and its emotional underpinning may be, and make sure that it prevails throughout the story. This is what keeps the viewer engaged and helps them resonate with your visual world.

Click the links below to view videos that can help you get a better grasp on how to write a script and develop interesting scenes for your viewer. 

Free Screenwriter Software Programs

Below are three free screenwriter software options available for you to use. Most of these options also have a paid “professional” version that would probably not be necessary unless you were planning on selling the script. Read the write-up for each program to learn more about it. Remember that these programs might have changed since the writing of this guide, and that these are not the only options out there for you. Doing a quick internet search will bring you to even more options. Take time to explore these and other options prior to making your final choice.